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This section contains some Nigeria Society of Engineers (NSE) Computer Based Test (CBT) past questions practice for Civil Engineers. If you are a Civil Engineer preparing for NSE CBT or other Civil Engineering related exams, the quizzes here can be helpful. We are poised to provide more quizzes for you. If you wish to discuss on any topic with our team, you can visit our FORUM to create a topic and ask your questions. You can purchase comprehensive PDF copy of complete CBT past questions for NSE for different divisions of Engineering at ExamBase website.

Quiz Practice 1

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Discover more about civil engineering

1 / 25

Which of the following is mineral

2 / 25

Quartzite is a

3 / 25

Which of the following represents a metamorphic rock

i. slate

ii. shale

iii. quarzite

4 / 25

Which of the following sedimentary rocks changes into quarzite by metamorphic action

5 / 25

Gypsum is

6 / 25

Sapwood consists of

7 / 25

Cross cut saw is used for

8 / 25

Spalling hammer is used for

9 / 25

Specific gravity for most of the building stones lies between

10 / 25

Crushing strength of a good building material should be more than

11 / 25

The preparation of surface of stone to obtain plain edges or to obtain stones of required size and shape is known as

12 / 25

Which of the following is best suited for construction of piers and abutments of a railway bridge?

13 / 25

Granite is not suitable for ordinary building purpose because

14 / 25

The predominant constituent which is responsible for strength in granite is

15 / 25

The important test to be conducted on a stone used in docks and harbours is

16 / 25

Juniper is a tool used for

17 / 25

Which of the following has more fire resisting characteristics?

18 / 25

A good building stone should not adsorb water more than

19 / 25

Which of the following metamorphic rocks has the most weather resisting characteristics?

20 / 25

The stone suitable for rubble masonry should be

21 / 25

A heavy stone is suitable for

22 / 25

Based on the following rocks and minerals, select the correct statement, quartz, shale, basalt, granite, marble, gypsum, mica

23 / 25

Which of the following is a rock?

24 / 25

Sand stone is a

i. sedimentary rock

ii. aqueous rock

iii. siliceous rock

25 / 25

Slate is formed by metamorphic action on

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The average score is 46%


Quiz Practice 2

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Theoretical questions in structural analysis

1 / 25

The three moments equation is applicable only when

2 / 25

In slope deflection equations, the deformations are considered to be caused by

i. bending moment

ii. shear force

iii. axial force

3 / 25

The deflection at any point of a perfect frame can be obtained by applying a unit load at the joint in

4 / 25

The degree of static indeterminacy up to which column analogy method can be used is

5 / 25

In column analogy method, the area of an analogous column for a fixed beam of span 'L' and flexural rigidity, 'EI' taken as

6 / 25

The carryover factors in prismatic members whose far end is fixed is

7 / 25

In moment distribution method, the sum of distribution factors of all the members meeting at any joint is always

8 / 25

Principle of superposition is applicable when

9 / 25

Castigliano's first theorem is applicable

10 / 25

The principle of virtual work can be applied to elastic systems by considering the virtual work of

11 / 25

If in a rigid-jointed space frame, (6m+r)< 6j, then the frame is

12 / 25

The number of independent displacement components at each joint of a rigid-jointed space frame is

13 / 25

The degree of kinematic indeterminacy of a pin-jointed space frame is

14 / 25

The degree of determinacy of a rigid-jointed space frame is

15 / 25

The degree of static determinacy of a pin-jointed space frame is given by

16 / 25

The number of independent equations to be satisfied for static equilibrium in a space structure is

17 / 25

A rigid-jointed plane frame is stable and statically determinate if

18 / 25

A pin-jointed plane frame is unstable if

where 'm' is number of members, 'r' is reaction components and 'j' is number of joints

19 / 25

If a pin-jointed plane frame (m+r) > 2j, then the frame is

20 / 25

Independent displacement components at each joint of a rigid-jointed plane frame are

21 / 25

Degree of kinematic indeterminacy of a pin-jointed plane frame is given by

22 / 25

Degree of static indeterminacy of a rigid jointed plane frame having 15 members, 3 reactions components and 14 joints is

23 / 25

Number of unknown internal forces in each member of rigid jointed plane frame is

24 / 25

If there are 'm' unknown member forces, 'r' unknown reaction components and 'j' number of joints, then the degree of static indeterminacy of a pin-jointed plane frame is given by

25 / 25

The number of independent equations to be satisfied for static equilibrium of a plane structure

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The average score is 41%


Quiz Practice 3

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Discover more about highway processes, terms and terminologies (30 questions)

1 / 30

The transition curve used in the horizontal alignment of highways as per IRC recommendations is

2 / 30

In case of hill roads, the extra widening is generally provided

3 / 30

Select the correct statement

4 / 30

The attainment of superelevation by rotation of pavement about the inner edge of the pavement

5 / 30

The absolute minimum radius of curve for safe operation for a speed of 110 kmph is

6 / 30

To calculate the minimum value of ruling radius of horizontal curves in plains, the design speed is given by

7 / 30

For a constant value of coefficient of lateral friction, the value of required super-elevation increases with

8 / 30

On a horizontal curve if the pavement is kept horizontal across the alignment, then the pressure on the outer wheels will be

9 / 30

For the design of superelevation for mixed traffic conditions, the speed is reduced by

10 / 30

As per IRC recommendations, the maximum limit of superelevation for mixed traffic is plain terrain is

11 / 30

If b is the wheel track of a vehicle and h is the height of centre of gravity above road surface, then to avoid overturning and lateral skidding on a horizontal curve, the centrifugal ratio should always be

12 / 30

The terrain may be classified as rolling terrain if the cross slope of land is

13 / 30

The ruling design speed on a National Highway in plain terrain as per IRC recommendation is

14 / 30

The effect of grade on safe overtaking sight distance is

15 / 30

If the stopping distance is 60 metres, then the minimum stopping sight distance for two lane, two way traffic is

16 / 30

Reaction time of a driver

17 / 30

Stopping sight distance is always

18 / 30

The desirable length of overtaking zone as per IRC recommendation is equal to

19 / 30

On a single lane road with two way traffic, the minimum stopping sight distance is equal to

20 / 30

Compared to a level surface, on a descending gradient, the stopping sight distance is

21 / 30

Camber in the road is provided for

22 / 30

The shoulder provided along the road edge should be

23 / 30

Coefficient of friction is less when the pavement surface is

24 / 30

When the path travelled along the road surface is more than the circumferential movement of the wheels due to rotation, then it results in

25 / 30

The stopping sight distance depends upon

26 / 30

For water bound macadam roads in localities of heavy rainfall, the recommended value of camber is

27 / 30

The shape of camber, best suited for cement concrete pavement is

28 / 30

The sequence of four stages of survey in a highway alignment is

29 / 30

Select the correct statement

30 / 30

Abuja road plan formula were prepared by assuming

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The average score is 48%


Quiz Practice 4


Prepare for your NSE CBT through this quiz (25 questions in strength of materials)


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Quiz Practice 5

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NSE CBT Practice for Civil Engineers (combined questions)

1 / 46

The angle the Coulomb's failure envelope makes with the horizontal is called

2 / 46

The maximum spacing of vertical stiffeners is (where 'd' is the distance between flange angles)

3 / 46

The maximum spacing of vertical stiffeners is (where 'd' is the distance between flange angles)

4 / 46

Gantry girders are designed to resist

5 / 46

The forces acting on the web splice of a plate girder are

6 / 46

Bearing stiffener is a plate girder is used to

7 / 46

Minimum thickness of web plate in a plate girder, when the plate is accessible and also exposed to weather, is

8 / 46

Horizontal stiffener in a plate girder is provided to safeguard against

9 / 46

Shear buckling of web in a plate girder is prevented by using

10 / 46

Economical depth of a plate girder corresponds to

11 / 46

If 'N' is the number of shafts used, then the total number of faces available for attacking the excavation and construction in tunnels are

12 / 46

If 'N' is the number of shafts used, then the total number of faces available for attacking the excavation and construction in tunnels are

13 / 46

Drifters can be used to drill

14 / 46

Which of the following are percussion drills

i) shot drill

ii) diamond drill

iii) wagon drill

iv) churn drill

15 / 46

What is the correct sequence of the following events of construction of a shaft in rock?

  1. drilling and blasting
  2. timbering
  3. pumping
  4. mucking

16 / 46

Circular section of tunnels is not suitable for

17 / 46

If the thickness of plate to be connected by a rivet is 16 mm, then suitable size of rivet as per Unwin's formula will be

18 / 46

Which of the following types of riveted joint is free from bending stresses?

19 / 46

When the axis of load lies in the plane of rivet group, then the most heavily loaded rivet will be the one which

NB: Fa is the load shared by each rivet due to axial load and Fm is the shearing load due to moment in any rivet

20 / 46

When the axis of load lies in the plane of rivet group, then the rivets are subjected to

21 / 46

If the thickness of the thinnest outside plate is 10mm, then the maximum pitch of rivets in tension will be taken as

22 / 46

Bending and compressive stresses respectively are calculated based on

23 / 46

The purpose of providing fillet in a rail section is to

24 / 46

The largest percentage of material in the rail is in its

25 / 46

Largest dimension of a rail is its

26 / 46

The following tests are conducted for rails:

i) falling weight test

ii) tensile test

iii) hammer test

The compulsory tests are

27 / 46

The standard length of rail for Board Gauge and Meter Gauge are respectively

28 / 46

Two important constituents in the composition of steel used for rail are

29 / 46

The rail is designated by its

30 / 46

Most suitable material for highway embankments is

31 / 46

If the group index value of subgrade is between 5 and 9, then the subgrade is treated as

32 / 46

Penetration test on bitumen is used for determining its

33 / 46

In CBR test, the value of CBR is calculated at

34 / 46

Los Angeles testing machine is used to conduct

35 / 46

Which of the following tests measures the toughness of road aggregates?

36 / 46

In soils having same values of plasticity index, if liquid limit increased, then

37 / 46

The most economical lighting layout suitable for narrow roads is

38 / 46

Maximum number of vehicles can be parked with

39 / 46

When a number of roads are meeting at a point and only one of the roads is important, then the suitable shape of rotary is

40 / 46

A traffic rotary is justified where

41 / 46

The minimum number of vehicles beyond which the rotary may not function efficiently is

42 / 46

When two equally important roads cross roughly at right angles, the suitable shape of central island is

43 / 46

If the average centre to centre spacing of vehicles is 20 metres, then the basic capacity of a traffic lane at a speed of 50kmph is

44 / 46

Which of the following is know as design capacity

45 / 46

The diagram which shows the approximate path of vehicles and pedestrians involved in accidents is known as

46 / 46

Length of a vehicle affects

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The average score is 45%


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