Author: Mezie Ethelbert

An inquisitive engineer with considerable skills in analysis, design and research in the field of civil engineering.

Reading Time: 4 minutes Preamble: In linear measurement works peculiar to surveying practice, twelve sources of error are usually encountered when making direct measurements. These errors must be examined for their cause and effect so that precautions may be taken to guard against unacceptable errors. These twelve error sources are classified under three broad categories namely; (a) Systematic or Cumulative Errors (B) Compensating or Accidental Errors (C) Gross Errors Systematic or Cumulative Errors These errors exist in any survey measurement and each individual measurement increases the effect of the errors. Such errors which may be either positive or negative can have an appreciable effect…

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Reading Time: 5 minutes Aggregate is a material in granular or particle form, such as sand or gravel which is added to the class of materials known as binder (eg cement, hydraulic limes, plasters and bitumen) to produce a solid mass on hardening. Since most aggregates are inert and undergo no chemical action with the binder, the strength of the combined mass depends on: The specific adhesion or bond which develops between aggregates and binder. The mechanical key or interlock which develops between the constituent particles in virtue of their shape, size and surface texture. The strengths of the aggregate and binder respectively. Reasons…

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Reading Time: 3 minutes Arches can be of three types: hingless arch, two-hinged arch and three-hinged arch. Among the three, the three-hinged arch is statically determinate. The distinguishing factor between an arch and a beam is that when a load is applied on a beam, it results into vertical reactions and moments. But when same load is applied to an arch, the arch resists the load by vertical and horizontal components of reaction. The horizontal components of the reaction in effect reduces the moment from that in a simple beam. Thus, the arch supports loads with less moment than a simple beam but considerable…

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Reading Time: 4 minutes Vertical curves are one of the three important curves encountered in road construction works. Other important curves are the horizontal curves and the transition curves. Vertical curves are introduced in road construction works where there is change of grade from upward grade to downward grade. The vertical curve can be crest/summit curve or sag/valley curve. Summit curves are used at high points while sag curves are used at low points. The essence of vertical curves is to ensure that transition from downward grade to upward grade in the case of valley curve is changed from steep to smooth/easier. The design

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Reading Time: 2 minutes A force has four (4) attributes viz: magnitude, direction, point of application and sense. The magnitude of a force is the size of the force and this size is measured in Newton (N).The direction of the force is the direction of the line along which it acts either vertically or horizontally.The point of application is the point of contact between bodies exerting forces on each other.The sense is indicated by the way it act along a line of action of force, for instance, upwards, downwards, to the left or to the right and the sense is generally denoted by an…

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