Author: Mezie Ethelbert

An inquisitive engineer with considerable skills in analysis, design and research in the field of civil engineering.

Reading Time: 4 minutes Slabs used in building works can be classified based on CONFIGURATION, STRUCTURAL ARRANGEMENT AND STRUCTURAL ACTION. BASED ON CONFIGURATION, WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING TYPES OF SLAB: 1. Solid Slab: Solid slab is a slab with uniform thickness and is usually constructed of the same material throughout. It is the commonest type of slab used in buildings especially in residential areas and offices. It is also the easiest to design and construct and used when the span is ≤ 6m (See Figure 1). 2. Ribbed Slab: These types of slab are ribbed of certain portions (usually at their tension zones) in…

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Reading Time: 3 minutes In the construction of railway or highway, the natural earth surface does not usually present suitable formation level for such construction due to undulations. To bring the surfaces of the earth to a uniform formation level, there is the need to remove areas that are too high-CUT in order to bring them to the required level and fill areas that are too low-FILL in order to bring them to the required level. Most times, the practice is to take the cut materials to fill up the fill areas if the material is good. This helps to save a lot of…

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Reading Time: 2 minutes Planning of site before the commencement of construction work is a very important duty that is often neglected. Proper planning of site layout would help to reduce time losses, damage of materials and accidents. It is the duty of the site supervisor to do that. The post shows the resources and activities to ensure proper planning. THE SITE SUPERVISOR SHOULD BE IN POSSESSION OF, 1. A block plan/site plan showing contours and the location of the job in relation to the surroundings. 2. A small-scale set of drawings and details. 3. A bill of quantities and specifications. 4. Contract information,…

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Reading Time: 2 minutes Piggery is the house where pigs are kept and reared. Pig farming is a lucrative business because pigs are large animals that produce considerable quantities of meat, produce a number of piglets in one gestation period and the children grow very fast. Efficient housing design for pigs makes management easier and helps the farmer to successfully rear up to 85% more of all the live born piglets to market weight in the shortest possible time. Piggery is usually made of uniform layout of rooms divided into near equal sections with dwarf internal walls. A good piggery should contain the following…

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Reading Time: 3 minutes Dampness in buildings is usually a ‘sorry sight’. It comes with many unpleasant features that can lead to mould growth, damage to belongings such as furniture, books, paintings, other finishing and important installations (see Figures 1 and 2). This is usually a continuous process once started and may have caused much damage before it is discovered if the position is hidden. Figure 1: Effect of dampness in buildings 1 Figure 2: Effect of dampness in buildings 2 The best solution to dampness is PREVENTION. That is, taking appropriate measures to prevent it during the time of construction. The traditional method…

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Reading Time: 2 minutes The following types of drawings are commonly found in the office of a structural engineer. Structural Drawings The main purpose of preparing structural drawings is to explain the shape and position of all the parts of the structure. Such drawings are used to progress the Architect’s concept and then to enable construction of the structure on site. Structural drawings are also necessary for the preparation of the reinforcement drawings. Drawings for concrete structures consist of dimensional data necessary for the setting out and construction of the concrete formwork, e.g.: Setting out of the concrete structure on site.Plans, sections and elevations…

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Reading Time: 6 minutes The structural analysis of structures is the determination of the internal forces resulting from the effect of externally applied loads while structural design is the use of these internal stresses to determine the reinforcement and sections of concrete and steel required to effectively bear the imposed loads without failure. Structural analysis requires the knowledge of structural mechanics which include the mechanics of forces, the mechanics of deformation, and the theory of structures (the science of the response of structural systems to external loads). Structural Analysis Methods There are two broad methods of analysis of structures namely: Elastic Analysis This method…

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Reading Time: 3 minutes Plants and equipment are often used in construction works to save time, labour and cost. Plants used in the construction industry are many and they include: pile driving equipment, tower crane, concrete mixers, pumps, excavators, scaffolds, demolition plants, hoists, compressors, bulldozers, power tools etc. The use of plants and equipment in construction works always come with large costs and these are factored at the billing stage of the project. Large companies may have necessary equipment available to them but smaller companies when given a project may be in the need to hire or buy necessary equipment. The decision to buy…

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