Author: Mezie Ethelbert

An inquisitive engineer with considerable skills in analysis, design and research in the field of civil engineering.

Reading Time: 3 minutes Appraisal is a method of accessing the value of equipment or methods of setting the cost per hour of utilizing a plant. It is actually used in the billing for job. The methods of appraising cost of construction equipment include: Straight line method Interest on capital outlay method Annual depreciation of the yearly book value approach 1. Straight line method: Straight line basis is a method of calculating depreciation and amortization. It is the simplest way to work out the loss of value of an asset over time. It is calculated by dividing the difference between an assest’s cost and…

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Reading Time: < 1 minute Timber is massively used in construction of buildings in some countries of the world. In United States of America (USA), timber, often called lumber is used in the construction of many low-rise buildings. Though timber is highly susceptible to fire incidence, its massive use is associated with numerous benefits as follows: Natural: Timber is not toxic, does not leak chemical vapour into the building and it is safe to handle and touch.

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Reading Time: 14 minutes A sheet pile wall is a special type of retaining wall that is generally made of steel, timber, and in the most limited case concrete structures. Steel piles are the commonest because they can be used on all kinds of terrain, they can be used at depths greater than 3 m, they are water-tight, and can be re-used. Timber sheet piles are generally cheaper than steel sheet piles but can only be used for temporary structures where the depth of driving does not exceed 3 m.  Reinforced concrete sheet piles can only be used only when it is possible to…

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Reading Time: 4 minutes Difference Between BOQ and BEME Bill of Quantities (BOQ) and Bill of Engineering Measurement and Evaluation (BEME) are two common bills used in quantity estimation for construction works in Nigeria. According to Engr. Oladipupo S. OLAFUSI, both bills tend to serve the same purpose and are prepared in the same format or manner. The difference between the two bills is that while BOQ is commonly used for building projects in Nigeria, BEME is applicable to large building and other civil engineering projects sponsored by individuals, corporations, and the government. Methods of Preparation of Bills for Construction Works in Nigeria In…

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Reading Time: 3 minutes Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a sustainability tool used to assess the environmental impact of a project to the environment. EIA is deemed sustainable because the present generation and future generation would benefit from it. It usually assesses the impact on air, water, land and human beings and are used by Clients, Contractors, Consultants and the Community. All projects have positive and negative impacts but the negative impacts are the target of EIA. Some of the impacts are air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, loss of flora and fauna etc. Brief history of EIA After the second world war, a…

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Reading Time: 2 minutes Engineers and Scientists use a lot of measurements in their work. Prior to the actualization of any engineering project, it is necessary to make a sketch of an idea on paper and fine tune it to the best picture. To our knowledge, it was the sketch of a flying object made by Leonardo Da Vinci in the 15th century that Wilbur and Oliver Wright actualized in the 19th century to become aeroplanes. Before the construction of buildings, machines, equipment, cars, roads etc., the drawings are prepared for what is in mind. One can see at a glance that drawings bear…

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Reading Time: 2 minutes Adequate setbacks from civil engineering structures that can pose harm to inhabitants of a residential building structure are very important to be strictly followed when erecting such structures to avoid fatalities that would follow in the case of accidents or other natural effects. When proper setbacks are followed, it could be possible for inhabitants to escape before harmful events reach such structures. Provided below are the required setbacks applicable in Nigeria. The minimum distance a building should be away from the road to avoid demolition: Federal Highway (Primary) – 90 m right of way. 45 m from the centre to…

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Reading Time: 3 minutes Screening is the first unit operation in water treatment plants. A screen is a device with openings generally of uniform size that is used to retain the coarse solids found in raw water such as streams, lakes, ponds etc. the coarse solids usually consist of sticks, racks, boards, dead animals and other large objects that often find their way into a water body. Bar Screen (Image credit: Boeep, China) The primary purpose of screens is to protect pumps and other mechanical equipment and to prevent clogging of valves and other appurtenances in the treatment plant. As such, the screen is…

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