Author: Mezie Ethelbert

An inquisitive engineer with considerable skills in analysis, design and research in the field of civil engineering.

Reading Time: 3 minutes It is often necessary to plot multiple line graphs in one chart. The reason for this is usually to make comparison among test results. For example, one may carry out compaction test using five popular compaction methods (Standard Proctor Method (SPM), Modified Proctor Method (MPM), British Standard Light (BSL), British Standard Heavy (BSH), West African Standard (WAS)) and have the intention to plot all the compaction curves in one chart to see the relation. This is necessary when one wants to plot multiple data that have different X and Y values. This can be achieved by following the steps outlined…

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Reading Time: 2 minutes Compaction energy can be defined as the mechanical energy applied per volume of soil from some mechanical equipment during compaction process. The function of this mechanical energy is to rearrange soil particles, reduce the voids in the soil, increase the soil’s bearing capacity and shear strength and reduce soil permeability. The compaction energy or compactive effort depends on acceleration due to gravity (g), the volume of the mould being used, the height of fall of the rammer, the weight of the rammer, the number of blows and the number of layers receiving each number of blows. The following formula given…

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Reading Time: 2 minutes Mathematics can broadly be classified into Pure Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. Under these two broad classifications, there many branches, both old and evolving ones. The branches under Pure Mathematics include but not limited to: Algebra Geometry Arithmetic Mensuration (Number theory) Topology etc The branches under Applied Mathematics include but not limited: Calculus Trigonometry Set Theory Probability and Statistics etc These branches of mathematics listed above except calculus and topology could be considered elementary considering the fact that there are other advanced branches of mathematics such as matrix algebra, numerical analysis, complex numbers, game theory etc. The common branches of mathematics…

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Reading Time: < 1 minute Nigeria Society of Engineers (NSE) announces her annual conference and annual general meeting. This year’s conference is tagged: Coal City 2021. The NSE annual Engineering conference is a gathering of all Engineers in Nigeria to discuss key issues that relate to Engineering development. The conference coming up on 6th – 10th December, 2021 would include pleanary paper presentations, concurrent technical sessions, panel discussions, annual general meeting (AGM), and other activities. The theme of this year’s conference is: Energy mix development for National Economic Growth The venue of the conference would be at International Conference Centre, Abuja Those who wish to…

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Reading Time: 4 minutes It is necessary to plan the building before the commencement of building. The reason for this planning cannot be over-emphasized. There are two important aspects in the planning of building. These are: 1. Selection of site: In Nigeria, the ownership of land is by individuals. Each individual who wants to build a house in one’s land should take the shape and nature of the land into consideration in the design of the building so that one would get maximum ventilation in the house and make best use of it. One who wants to buy land should consult professionals to get…

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Reading Time: 4 minutes Introduction Dampness is one problem that is common in a building especially those located at places with high water table. If you have experienced it in a house, you will discover how unappealing it is. It often leads to many undesirable phenomenon such as bad smell, mould growth, damage of costly household properties among others. To fight dampness in the house, it is necessary to start at the construction stage. It is the requirement of building code that floors shall adequately resist the passage of moisture to the inside of the building. As concrete is permeable to moisture, it is…

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Reading Time: 4 minutes Architectural plans of buildings come with different internal spaces representing rooms and other service spaces. During the preparation of general arrangement (GA) for the manual structural design of the building, one or combination of these spaces form panels. The panels come in different sizes depending on the size of the different rooms or spaces. The panels can also be two-way slab panel or one-way slab panel depending on the ratio of the longer span (Ly) to the shorter span (Lx). Generally, If Ly/Lx ≤ 2, the slab panel is two-way spanning If Ly/Lx ˃ 2, the slab…

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Reading Time: 4 minutes Types of Concrete Mixes There are four (4) types of mixes used for concrete works viz: 1. Standard mixes 2. Nominal or prescribed mixes and 3. Designed mixes 4. Designated mixes Standard Mixes These are mixes specified as dry weights of fine and coarse aggregate per unit weight of cement. These are based on standard tests carried out and the required values are usually tabulated. However, there are reservations for special cases. Table 1: Standard mixes and related strengths The materials to be used for the standard mix have been specified. Thus, when the required mix is selected from Table…

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