Reading Time: < 1 minute Constant calculation and re-calculation of quantities required for execution of project is not usually an easy task. The Tables 1 and 2 below provides the approximate quantities and units in the measurement of some construction materials. The Tables is provided to assist Quantity Estimators and other stake holders in the construction industry to make proper estimation of the quantity of materials to be used for any type of work. Table 1. Approximate Materials Quantities Conversion Table Table 2. Approximate Materials Quantities Conversion Table Contd. Thanks for reading!
Author: Mezie Ethelbert
Reading Time: < 1 minute AGERP, an acronym for Advances in Geotechnical Engineering (from Research to Practice) announces the 3RD EDITION of their Lecture Series captioned: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON UNSATURATED SOILS The programme would hold from Tuesday, 24th May to Thursday, 26th May, 2022. The programme has a total of six (6) sessions with two sessions per day. The timing is based on AEST but you can convert the time to an equivalent time in your country HERE. You may find further information about the Speakers and details for registration at: Third Edition of AGERP Please feel free to share this information with your group…
Reading Time: 3 minutes Introduction Admixtures are substances added to another substance usually a base substance which react with the base substance to improve some desirable properties. Admixtures are commonly used in concrete. In recent years, admixtures have found usefulness in soil stabilization where they can combined with lime or cement to stabilize soil. There are different types of admixtures used in concrete which include: water reducing admixtures, retarding admixtures, air-entraining admixtures, bonding admixtures, pozzolanic admixtures etc. In this post, I would focus on pozzolanic admixtures. Pozzolans Pozzolans are a broad class of siliceous or siliceous and aluminous materials which possess little or no…
Reading Time: 2 minutes Some civil engineering practitioners and quantity estimators often face daunting challenges in an effort to determine an equivalent in a mass of reinforcement bars (rebars) determined from structural drawings and bar bending schedules. There are existing templates that give one information on this but in the absence of such templates, it becomes necessary that one should know how to do this from the first principle. In this article, I will show how to determine the mass (kg) per meter of different sizes of rebars commonly used in Nigeria. Reinforcement bars are usually made of steel and the density of steel…
Reading Time: 7 minutes Introduction Slabless, sawtooth staircase (Figure 1) is one type of the stair that produces a lot of aesthetics appeal. Aesthetics and function are prime considerations in the design of buildings so if you learn how to design and build this type of stair, it would be good to actualize it. Different codes have their way of designing this type of stair but I would dwell on the method outlined in the book by Reynolds and Steedman (1988) which is in consonance with BS 8110 and Eurocode 2 (EC 2). According to Reynolds and Steedman (2010), Cusens (1966) showed that…
Reading Time: 2 minutes Testing to know the quality of materials is usually done in the laboratory. Most of the time, it is not possible to do laboratory tests physically on the site. In this case, we depend on experience to do it. In this article, I will show some simple ways one can determine the quality of some building materials on the site for common building materials. A. Mild Steel: Quality mild steel should have the following qualities: It should be free from cracks. The surfaces should be rust-free. The diameter of all steel bars should be equal. The weight should not be…
Reading Time: 3 minutes Engineering students and practitioners are often faced with the challenge of converting from imperial unit to metric and vice versa or from metric to metric. This post would be of great aid