In the design of pad footing, it is desirable that there should be not eccentricity. However, when eccentricity which is brought in by moment occurs due to unbalanced loads on the pad footing, the footing should be designed as an eccentric pad footing. In practice, almost all kinds of pad footings experience certain degrees of eccentricity. Eccentricity of pad footings leads the moments and the moments have the following effects on the pad footing:
Effects of Moment on Footings
- Dislocate the axis of the load coming on the footing.
- Increase the earth pressure on the footing on one side and reduce it on the other side.

When software is used for design, these are calculated automatically. However, when manual design process is being used, the following order can be followed to achieve the design.
Design Formulae
1. Eccentricity, e = M/Sk >> M = eSk (1)
M = moment on the footing due to eccentricity
Sk = axial load coming on the footing
Due to eccentricity, bearing capacity, q ≠ Sk/Aprov
2. Thus, q = w/A + Sk/A + Mx/I (2)
I = moment of inertia of the footing
x = distance measured from central axis of footing to any point within the footing
w = self-weight of the footing
For rectangular footing, Area, A = B x L
B = breadth of footing
L = length of footing
Moment of Inertia, I = LB3/12 = (LB) B2/12 = AB2/12
Substituting Eqn (1) into (2) for rectangular footing
3. q = w/A + Sk/A + (eSkx)/ (AB2/12) >> w/A + Sk/A + [(eSkx)/1] x [(12/ AB2)] >> w/A + Sk/A + 12eSkx/ AB2 >> w/A + Sk/A (1 + (12ex/B2))
The maximum and minimum pressures occurs at the edges of the footing where x = ± (B/2)
4. At x = B/2, the maximum pressure, qmax = w/A + Sk/A (1 + (12e (0.5B)/B2)) = w/A + Sk/A (1 + (6e/B))
5. At x = -B/2, the minimum pressure, qmin = w/A + Sk/A (1 – (6e/B))
The formula for qmin and qmax derived above are only applicable where e ≤ B/6
If e ˃ B/6, the formula would not satisfy and this condition serves as control on the footing size. Thus, by trial and error, we would continue to adjust until we have a situation where e ≤ B/6
Secondly, different values of B must be tried until q ≤ qallowable and at the same time e ≤ B/6
How to Calculate Moment Due to Eccentricity
To determine the moment, first, factor the dead and live loads where applicable
Note, Design load, N = w + Sk >> N/A = w/A + Sk/A
qmax = N/A (1 + (6e/B)) (x = B/2)
q3 = N/A (1 + (6ea2/B2)) (x = B/2)
The area of the triangles gives the following magnitude of force (see image below)
F1 = 1/2 (q3) j; F2 = 1/2 (qmax) j
Taking moment about the column face,
Design moment, M = F1 x j/3 + F2 x 2j/3
Substitute F1 and F2 into the design moment, thus;
Design moment, M = (1/2 x q3 x j x j/3) + (1/2 x qmax x j x 2j/3) = (q3 + 2qmax) j2/6
Solved Example
A square pad footing is to be provided to column to support a service, Sk vertical load of 800 kN and a moment of 100 kNm. If the qallowable = 175 kN/m2, design appropriate footing using fcu = 25N/mm2 and fy = 410 N/mm2
λ (load factor) = 1.45. The column dimensions are 230 x 230 mm
Eccentricity, e = M/Sk = 100/800 = 0.125
Self-weight of footing, w = 8% of Sk
w = (8/100) x 800 = 64 kN
qmax = 64/A + 800/A (1 + (6 x 0.125/B)) [for a square footing, A = B2]
N.B: qmax = qallowable = 175 kN/m2; e ≤ B/6
175 = 64/B2 + 800/B2 (1 + (6 x 0.125/B)) = 64/B2 + 800/B2 ((B + 0.75)/B))
175 = 64/B2 + 800/B2 + 600/B3 = (64B + 800B + 600)/B3
175 = (864B + 600)/ B3
175B3 = 864B + 600
175B3 – 864B – 600 = 0
Solving, B = 2.51 or -1.71 or -0.796
Since we cannot have negative B, take B = 2.51. Thus, B = 2.6 m
Check for Bearing Capacity
qmax = 64/(2.6)2 + 800/(2.6)2 + 600/(2.6)3 >> 9.467 + 118.345 + 34.1337 = 161.946 kN/m2
qmax = 161.946 kN/m2 < 175 kN/m2. Therefore, B = 2.6 m is Ok
Check for Eccentricity
e ≤ B/6 >> B/6 = 2.6/6 = 0.433
e = 0.125 < 0.433 Ok
Structural design of footing
h = w/24Aprov = 64/ (24 x 2.6 x 2.6) = 0.394 = 394 mm
Try h = 400 mm
Assuming concrete cover (cc) of 50 mm and bar size, θ = 16 mm
Effective depth of bar, d = h – cc – θ/2 = 400 – 50 – (16/2) = 400 – 50 – 8 = 342 mm
Check for Punching Shear at Column Face
ν = N/4a1d
Where, N = 1.45 x 800 = 1160 kN
ν = (1160 x 103)/ (4 x 230 x 342) = 3.687 N/mm2 < 0.8 √fcu or 5 N/mm2, OK
Determination of Design Moment
j = (B – a)/2 = (2.6 – 0.23)/2 = 1.185 m
qmax = N/A (1 + 6e/B) = 1160/2.62 (1 + (6 x 0.125)/2.6) = 171.598 (1 + 0.28846) >> qmax = 221.097 kN/m2
q3 = N/A (1 + 6ea1/B2) = 1160/2.62 (1 + (6 x 0.125 x 0.23)/2.62) = 171.598 (1 + 0.02552) = 175.977
Design moment, M = (q3 + 2qmax) j2/6 = (175.977 + (221.097 x 2)) 1.1852/6 =144.64 kNm
K = M/fcubd2 = 144.64 x 106/ (25 x 1000 x 3422) = 0.0495
Lever arm, la = 0.5 + √0.25 – (0.0495/9) = 0.994 ˃ 0.95, use 0.95
Z = lad = 0.95 x 342 = 324.9 mm
Asreq = M/0.95fyZ = 144.64 x 106/ (0.95 x 410 x 324.9) = 1142.96 mm2
Asmin = 1.3h = 1.3 x 400 = 520 mm2 (Asmin is satisfied)
Provide suitable reinforcement that is not less than the required reinforcement
Other Checks
Shear checks are very important on pad footings. Shear check should be carried out at distance of (1 x effective depth, d) from the column face while punching shear check should be carried out distance of (1.5 x effective depth, d) from the column face. Watch out for subsequent post on how to do this.