Column base plate are flat plates of steel used in composite construction to connect steel column (stanchion) to a reinforced concrete foundation. Steel stanchions usually consist of sharp edges. Thus, if they are connected directly to the reinforced concrete foundation, they can cause sinking effect on the concrete which can lead it to crack or crack. The provision of high strength base plate is to ensure that the load from column is dispersed over a wide area of the base plate before being uniformly distributed over the reinforced concrete foundation (See Figure 1).

Prior to the design of base plate, the load to be carried by the base plate which include the axial load, the shear force and the moment are accessed and this formed the parameters of the design. These parameters are used to get adequate size of base plate to support such column. A typical design of base plate based on EN 1993-1-1:2005 is presented below. The design parameters were assigned arbitrarily.

Design forces
Design axial force (compression); NEd = 300 kN
Design shear force; VEd = 43 kN
Design moment; MEd = 35 kNm
Column Details
Column section; UKC 254x254x73
Depth; D = 254.1 mm
Width; B = 254.6 mm
Flange thickness; T = 14.2 mm
Web thickness; t = 8.6 mm
Base plate details
Length; hp = 500 mm
Width; bp = 500 mm
Thickness; tp = 15 mm
Column eccentricity in x-axis; ebpx = 0 mm
Anchor details
Number of anchors LHS; n1 = 2
Edge distance in x-axis; ex1 = 50 mm
Edge distance in y-axis; ey1 = 50 mm
Number of anchors RHS; n2 = 2
Edge distance in x-axis; ex2 = 50 mm
Edge distance in the y-axis; ey2 = 50 mm
Anchor diameter; da,b = 24 mm
Foundation details
Foundation depth; tfnd = 500 mm
Concrete details
Concrete strength class; C25/30
Characteristic compressive cylinder strength; fck = 25 N/mm2
Characteristic compressive cube strength; fck,cube = 30 N/mm2
Partial factor for concrete; gc = 1.50
Compressive strength coefficient; acc = 0.85
Design compressive concrete strength; fcd = acc ´ (fck / gc) = 14.17 N/mm2
Steel details
Base plate steel grade; S275
Base plate nominal yield strength; fyp_plt = 275 N/mm2
Base plate nominal ultimate tensile strength; fu_plt = 410 N/mm2
Column steel grade; S275
Column nominal yield strength; fyp_col = 275 N/mm2
Column nominal ultimate tensile strength; fu_col = 410 N/mm2
Partial safety factor cross sections; gM0 = 1.00
Partial safety factor welds; gM2 = 1.25
Tension and compression lever arms
LHS compressive lever arm – Fig 6.18; zC,l = (D – T) / 2 = 120 mm
RHS compressive lever arm – Fig 6.18; zC,r = (D – T) / 2 = 120 mm
LHS tension lever arm – Fig 6.18; zT,l = hp / 2 + ebpx – ex1 = 200 mm
RHS tension lever arm – Fig 6.18; zT,r = hp / 2 – ebpx – ex2 = 200 mm
Design forces in T-stubs
Force in left hand T-stub; NL,T = NEd ´ zC,r / (zC,l + zC,r) – MEd / (zC,l + zC,r) = 4.1 kN; (Comp)
Force in right hand T-stub; NR,T = NEd ´ zC,l / (zC,l + zC,r) + MEd / (zC,l + zC,r) = 295.9 kN; (Comp)
Foundation bearing strength under left hand flange – EN1992-1-1 Section 6.7
Left hand flange
Additional bearing width – Eqn 6.5; cLF = tp ´ Ö(fyp_plt / (3 ´ fjd,LF ´ gM0)) = 29 mm
Effective width of T-stub flange; beff1,LF = 72.2 mm
Effective length of T-Stub flange; leff1,LF = 312.6 mm
Loaded area; Ac0,LF = beff1,LF ´ leff1,LF = 22557 mm2
Design distribution width; beff2,LF = 187.6 mm
Design distribution length; leff2,LF = 812.6 mm
Maximum design distribution area; Ac1,LF = beff2,LF ´ leff2,LF = 152445 mm2
Concentrated design resistance force; FRdu,LF = Min(Ac0,LF ´ fcd ´ Ö(Ac1,LF / Ac0,LF), 3 ´ fcd ´ Ac0,LF) = 830.7 kN
Foundation joint material coefficient; bj = 0.67
Design bearing strength of the joint – Eqn 6.6; fjd,LF = bj ´ FRdu,LF / (beff1,LF ´ leff1,LF) = 24.55 N/mm2
Foundation bearing strength under right hand flange – EN1992-1-1 Section 6.7
Additional bearing width – Eqn 6.5; cRF = tp ´ Ö(fyp_plt / (3 ´ fjd,RF ´ gM0)) = 29 mm
Effective width of T-stub flange; beff1,RF = 72.2 mm
Effective length of T-Stub flange; leff1,RF = 312.6 mm
Loaded area; Ac0,RF = beff1,RF ´ leff1,RF = 22557 mm2
Design distribution width; beff2,RF = 187.6 mm
Design distribution length; leff2,RF = 812.6 mm
Maximum design distribution area; Ac1,RF = beff2,RF ´ leff2,RF = 152445 mm2
Concentrated design resistance force; FRdu,RF = Min(Ac0,RF ´ fcd ´ Ö(Ac1,RF / Ac0,RF), 3 ´ fcd ´ Ac0,RF) = 830.7 kN
Foundation joint material coefficient; bj = 0.67
Design bearing strength of the joint – Eqn 6.6; fjd,RF = bj ´ FRdu,RF / (beff1,RF ´ leff1,RF) = 24.55 N/mm2
Equivalent T-stub in compression under right hand flange – Section 6.2.5
Design compression resistance of T-stub flange; FC,Rd2 = fjd,RF ´ beff1,RF ´ leff1,RF = 553.8 kN
Equivalent T-stub in compression under left hand flange – Section 6.2.5
Design compression resistance of T-stub flange; FC,Rd1 = fjd,LF ´ beff1,LF ´ leff1,LF = 553.8 kN
Concrete in compression under right hand flange – Section
Design resistance of concrete in compression; Fc,pl,Rd2 = FC,Rd2 = 553.8 kN
Concrete in compression under left hand flange – Section
Design resistance of concrete in compression; Fc,pl,Rd1 = FC,Rd1 = 553.8 kN
Bending resistance of column – EN1993-1-1 Section 6.2.5
Design resistance for bending – Cls 6.2.5(2); Mc,Rd = Mpl,Rd = Wpl,y ´ fyp_col / gM0 = 272.8 kNm
Beam flange and web in compression – Section
Design compression resistance of flange – Eqn 6.21; Fc,fc,Rd = Mc,Rd / (D – T) = 1137.2 kN
Column bases subjected to axial forces and bending moments – Section
Design compression resistance LHS of joint; FC,l,Rd = Min(Fc,pl,Rd1, Fc,fc,Rd) = 553.8 kN
Design compression resistance RHS of joint; FC,r,Rd = Min(Fc,pl,Rd2, Fc,fc,Rd) = 553.8 kN
Design moment resistance of column base
Relative eccentricity of load – Tbl 6.7; e = MEd / (-NEd) = -116.7 mm
Loading type – Tbl 6.7; Left side compression & Right side compression
Lever arm – Tbl 6.7; z = zC,l + zC,r= 239.9 mm
Design moment resistance – Tbl 6.7; Mj,Rd = Min(Abs(-FC,l,Rd ´ z / (zC,r / e + 1)), Abs(-FC,r,Rd ´ z / (zC,l / e – 1))) = 65.5 kNm
PASS – Design moment of resistance exceeds applied moment
Frictional shear resistance
Base plate friction coefficient; Cf,d = 0.2
Design frictional shear resistance; Ff,Rd = Cf,d ´ (NL,T + NR,T) = 60 kN
PASS – Design frictional resistance exceeds applied shear load
Shear weld
Force in shear weld; Fw,v,Ed = 43 kN
Weld leg length; sw = 6 mm
Weld throat size; aw = 1 / Ö(2) ´ sw = 4.2 mm
Length of weld; Lw,v = 2 ´ (D – 2 ´ (T + r)) = 400.6 mm
Correlation factor for fillet welds – Table 4.1; bw = 0.85
Design shear strength – Cls; fvw,d = fu_plt / (Ö(3) ´ bw ´ gM2) = 222.8 N/mm2
Design resistance per unit length – Cls; fw,Rd = fvw,d ´ aw = 945.2 N/mm
Design resistance; Fw,v,Rd = fw,Rd ´ Lw,v = 378.7 kN
PASS – Available strength of weld exceeds force in weld
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